Basti's Scratchpad on the Internet

A Guide to Raw Traffic in Clojure

This tutorial will cover capturing raw network traffic going via your network interface. We will implement a arp sweeper. Arp is the protocol that is used to find out who uses which IP on the network. So using a arp sweeper you can locate machines on your network pretty quickly.

For this script to work you need libpcap library and jpcap, libpcap's java bindings. libpcap is a packet capture library that allows you to read traffic going through your network card and disassemble captured packets.

Preflight Checks,

Code needs to run as root if you want it to capture anything.

What we are going to do is ask the network, for each IP in the block that who has it.

Then we start listening, machines on the network will respond…

Let's dissect the code.

(ns pcap
  (:use :reload-all clojure.contrib.command-line)
  (:import ( InetAddress)
	   (jpcap NetworkInterface JpcapCaptor JpcapSender PacketReceiver)
	   (jpcap.packet EthernetPacket ARPPacket)))

(defn mac-byte-to-string [mac-bytes]
  (let [v  (apply vector 
		  (map #(Integer/toHexString (bit-and % 0xff)) mac-bytes))]
    (apply str (interpose ":" v))))

Interface's mac id is represented as a byte array, to visualize it we need to convert it to familiar hex representation.

(defn print-device-info [name mac]
  (format "%1$-4s %2$-17s" name mac))

(defn ipv4? [inet-addrs]
  (if (instance? inet-addrs)
    true false))

(defn ipv4-addrs [addr-list]
  (filter ipv4? (apply vector (map (fn[i] (.address i)) addr-list))))

Since interface may contain both v4 and v6 IP. We filter only v4 IP's.

(defn interface-index [name]
  (loop [index 0
	 device      (first (JpcapCaptor/getDeviceList))
	 device-list (rest (JpcapCaptor/getDeviceList))]
    (if (= name (.name device))
      (recur (inc index) (first device-list) (rest device-list)))))

(defn interface-by-name [name]
  (nth (JpcapCaptor/getDeviceList) (interface-index name)))

(defn interface-ip [interface]
  (first (ipv4-addrs (.addresses interface))))

(defn interface-info []
  (doseq [device  (JpcapCaptor/getDeviceList)]
    (let  [name   (.name device)
	   mac    (mac-byte-to-string (.mac_address device))
	   ip     (interface-ip device)]
      (println (print-device-info name mac) ip))))

interface-info will print name, mac and ip of the all interfaces on your machine. (JpcapCaptor/getDeviceList) returns an array of interfaces. For each device on the machine we query it's name, mac and ip. Note that this will only recognize interface's ipv4 address. But you can easily modify it for ipv6.

(defn generateip-ip-list [interface]
  (let [ip (.getHostAddress (interface-ip interface))
	block (.substring ip 0 (+ 1 (.lastIndexOf ip ".")))]
    (vec (map #(str block %) (range 1 255)))))

(defn create-arp-request [interface target]
  (let  [broadcast    (into-array (Byte/TYPE) (repeat 6 (byte 255)))
	 srcip        (interface-ip interface)
	 arp-packet   (ARPPacket.)
	 ether-packet (EthernetPacket.)]
    (set! (.hardtype arp-packet) ARPPacket/HARDTYPE_ETHER)
    (set! (.prototype arp-packet) ARPPacket/PROTOTYPE_IP)
    (set! (.operation arp-packet) ARPPacket/ARP_REQUEST)
    (set! (.hlen arp-packet) 6)
    (set! (.plen arp-packet) 4)
    (set! (.sender_hardaddr arp-packet) (.mac_address interface))
    (set! (.sender_protoaddr arp-packet) (.getAddress srcip))
    (set! (.target_hardaddr arp-packet) broadcast)
    (set! (.target_protoaddr arp-packet) 
	  (.getAddress (InetAddress/getByName target)))
    (set! (.frametype ether-packet) EthernetPacket/ETHERTYPE_ARP)
    (set! (.src_mac ether-packet) (.mac_address interface))
    (set! (.dst_mac ether-packet) broadcast)
    (set! (.datalink arp-packet) ether-packet)

(defn open-captor [interface]
  (JpcapCaptor/openDevice interface 50 true 0))

create-arp-request builds our request packet that asks Who has Two things to note here is that. First it is of type ARPPacket/ARPREQUEST and we send it to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF which is the broadcast mac address. For more information on the ARP Packet Structure refer to Wikipedia.

Next we open the device for listening, 50 bytes will be captured at most using promiscuous mode, which means all packets whether they are meant for your machine or not can be read, and a 0 milisecond timeout.

(defn send-arp-probe [captor interface ip-list]
  (let [sender (.getJpcapSenderInstance captor)] 
    (doseq[ip ip-list]
      (.sendPacket sender (create-arp-request interface ip)))))

(defn packet-callback []
  (proxy [PacketReceiver] []
     (if (instance? ARPPacket packet)
       (let  [src-ip (.getSenderProtocolAddress packet)
	      src-mac (.getSenderHardwareAddress packet)] 
	 (println (.getHostAddress src-ip) " is at " src-mac))))))

(defn arp-sweep [interface]
  (let  [interface (interface-by-name interface)
	 captor (open-captor interface)]

    (send-arp-probe captor interface (generateip-ip-list interface))

    (doto (Thread. #(.loopPacket captor -1 (packet-callback)))

    (Thread/sleep 3000)
    (.breakLoop captor)))

This is where the actual scanning takes place. We open the interface for listening. We send arp-request packages for all IP's on the network. Wait for replies on another thread. Since we don't know which machines are on and which ones are off the best we do is wait for a while in this case 3 seconds then assume all responded. 3 seconds is a lot in this case most programs set it well below 1 second.

loopPacket will loop forever waiting for packets, that's why we run it on a separate thread, when it receives a packet it will call our call back function.

For each packet received we check that if it is a arp packet. Remember we are capturing all traffic going through the device. If it is of type ARPPacket we disassemble it getting it's source IP and MAC which is a machine on the network.

(with-command-line *command-line-args*
  "clojure pcap"
  [[list? "List interfaces."]
   [device "Device to use" "en1"]]
   list? (interface-info)
   device (arp-sweep device)
   :else (println "Invalid option")))

That's all after you run the script, you should see a list of machines on your network with their IP's and MAC id's. You can get a list of interfaces available for capture using,

clojure/(master) $ sudo ~/Projects/scripts/clj arp-sweep.clj  --list
en0  0:25:0:da:92:84   nil
vnic0 0:1c:42:0:0:8     #<Inet4Address />
en1  0:25:0:40:a8:cf   #<Inet4Address />
vnic1 0:1c:42:0:0:9     #<Inet4Address />
lo0  0:0:0:0:0:0       #<Inet4Address />

Then using any one of the interfaces initiate a scan,

clojure/(master) $ sudo ~/Projects/scripts/clj arp-sweep.clj  --device en1
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