Basti's Scratchpad on the Internet

Command Line Progress Bar

I frequently need a progress bar for applications, in order to visualize what is going on in the application. Following is a simple progress bar implemented in three different languages, C++, Clojure and Java.

[================>                                 ]   33%

They all look the same, just call the appropriate function with the percentage to show.


void printProgBar( int percent ){
  std::string bar;

  for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
    if( i < (percent/2)){
    }else if( i == (percent/2)){
      bar.replace(i,1," ");

  std::cout<< "\r" "[" << bar << "] ";
  std::cout.width( 3 );
  std::cout<< percent << "%     " << std::flush;


Tom Hicks in the comments provided a more elegant version than mine, by computing the sequences of characters that we need directly.

(defn print-progress-bar [percent]
  (let [bar (StringBuilder. "[")] 
    (doseq [i (range 50)]
      (cond (< i (int (/ percent 2))) (.append bar "=")
	    (= i (int (/ percent 2))) (.append bar ">")
	    :else (.append bar " ")))
    (.append bar (str "] " percent "%     "))
    (print "\r" (.toString bar))


public static void printProgBar(int percent){
    StringBuilder bar = new StringBuilder("[");

    for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
        if( i < (percent/2)){
        }else if( i == (percent/2)){
            bar.append(" ");

    bar.append("]   " + percent + "%     ");
    System.out.print("\r" + bar.toString());
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