Basti's Scratchpad on the Internet

BitTorrent Tracker Protocol

Yesterday I got some free time and I thought I would complete another piece from BitTorrent protocol. In order to download a torrent, you need to communicate with the tracker and get a list of computers that are also downloading the torrent you are interested in.

Tracker is an HTTP service that responds to GET requests. Our request includes statistics about us that helps the tracker keep metrics about the torrent. The response from the tracker includes a peer list and some basic statistics about the torrent. Specs are at and I used torrents from ubuntu distribution for the tests.

(ns tracker
  (:use :reload-all bencode)
  (:use clojure.test)
  (:import ( MessageDigest)
	   ( FileInputStream File 
		    BufferedReader InputStreamReader ByteArrayInputStream)
	   ( URL)))

(def port-in 6881)
(def peer-list-size 100)

Replace the function below with the ones in bencode implementation.

(defn- decode-map [stream] 
  (let [list (decode-list stream)] 
      (apply hash-map list) 
      {:order (map first (partition 2 list))})))

(defn- encode-dictionary [dictionary stream]
  (.write stream (int \d))
  (doseq [item (if (nil? (meta dictionary)) 
		 (keys dictionary)(:order (meta dictionary)))]
    (encode-object item stream)
    (encode-object (dictionary item) stream))
  (.write stream (int \e)))

The only difference with this one and the original is we keep the order keys are read as meta data. The during encoding we encode according to the order we read them, that way we get the original torrent file back which will have a correct SHA1 hash. If you don't do this, map iteration order will be different than the original and different hash will be calculated.

Most important part of the request is the info hash part which identifies which torrent we are interested in. It is the SHA1 hash of the info dictionary not the whole file, in its bencoded form. That is the reason we need to keep the order, same as the torrent file, if you mess up the order hash will change.

(defn calc-info-hash [torrent]
  (let [info (encode (torrent "info"))
	sha1 (MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA1")
	hash (.toString (BigInteger. (.digest sha1 info)) 16)
	pad (- 40 (count hash))]
    (str (apply str (take pad (repeat "0"))) hash)))

We are encoding the info dictionary using original order, then calculate the SHA1 hash. SHA1 hash is a byte array to turn it in to hex, I used the BigInteger class, there are lots of ways to do this I went with the simplest. Pad the begging with 0s if it is less then 40 chars long. Result is a hash such as the following,


If you don't pay attention to the spec and send this directly to tracker you will get an error this should be in URL Encoded form. Padding every two chars with % sign also doesn't work, been there done that don't waste your time. Any hex in the hash that corresponds to a unreserved character should be replaced,

a-z A-Z 0-9 -_.~

Partition the hex in to chunks of two and check if the hex corresponds to any of these values, if they do replace them with the unreserved char,

(defn url-encode [hash]
  (apply str
	 (map (fn [[a b]] 
		(let [byte (BigInteger. (str a b)  16) ]
		  (if (or (and (>= byte 65) (<= byte 90)) ; A-Z
			  (and (>= byte 97) (<= byte 122)) ; a-z
			  (and (>= byte 48) (<= byte 57)) ; 0-9
			  (= byte 45) (= byte 95) (= byte 46) (= byte 126))
		    (char byte) (str "%" a b)) )) (partition 2 hash))))

So that a hash such as,




notice that hex 34 became 4 which is what it is in ASCII. You can test the correctness of your hashes using the tracker url but don't request from announce request from file,

If you get a torrent back that means you have the correct hash.

Requests to announce requires all parameters to be set in order to be valid, you can't build the request one by one, a working request should include all of the following parameters.

(defn build-request [torrent]
  (let [announce (torrent "announce")
	hash (calc-info-hash torrent)
	event "started"]
    (str announce "?" 
	 "info_hash=" (url-encode hash) "&"
	 "peer_id=" peer-id "&" "port=" port-in "&"
	 "uploaded=0&downloaded=0&" "left=" ((torrent "info") "length") "&"
	 "event=" event "&" "numwant=" peer-list-size "&compact=1" )))

(defn request [address]
  (let  [ url (URL. address)] 
    (with-open [stream (.openStream url)]
      (let  [ buf (BufferedReader. (InputStreamReader. stream "ISO-8859-1"))]
	(apply str (line-seq buf))))))

Parameters are pretty much self explanatory, they are also explained in the spec.

Tracker response is a bencoded dictionary containing statistics and peers list. Peers value in the response map is a byte string multiple of 6, every 6 bytes represent a peer. First 4 bytes contains the IP and last two bytes contains the port they are listening on.

(defn peers [peers]
  (reduce (fn[list peer]
	    (conj list 
		  {:ip (apply str (interpose \. (map int (take 4 peer))))
		   :port (+ (* 256 (int (nth peer 5))) (int (nth peer 4)))}))
	  [] (partition 6 peers)))

To parse this byte string we partition it in to 6 byte chunks, map first 4 bytes to a integer to build the IP address, and use last two bytes to build port number.

Now we have everything to extract some basic information from the tracker,

(defn get-torrent-stats [fname]
  (let [torrent (decode (FileInputStream. (File. fname)))
	request (request (build-request torrent))
	stats (decode (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes request)))]
    {:complete (stats "complete") 
     :incomplete (stats "complete") 
     :peers (peers (stats "peers"))}))

Putting it all together, and making the request should result it a map containing the peers and statistics.

tracker=> (get-torrent-stats "buntu.torrent")
{:complete 0, :incomplete 0, 
 :peers [{:ip "", :port 40898} 
         {:ip "", :port 49768}]}
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