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Lindenmayer System in Clojure

An L-system or Lindenmayer system is a language, which means a set of strings that is made by the application using certain rules. L-systems can be used to generate fractals such as iterated function systems.

Above grammar represents the Koch curve, where F means "draw forward", + means "turn left 90",and - means "turn right 90". Following is a simple implementation in Clojure to build sentences using grammars defined like this.

(ns lsystem
  (:use turtle))

(defn variable? [grammer symbol]
  (contains? (:variables grammer) symbol))

(defn apply-rules [grammer sentence]
   (map #(if (variable? grammer %) ((:rules grammer) %) %) sentence)))

(defn l-system [grammer n]
  (loop[acc n sentence (:start grammer)]
    (if (= 0 acc)
      sentence (recur (dec acc) (apply-rules grammer sentence)))))

We take the axiom (start) and apply the rules n times, with each iteration we replace the variables with their corresponding rules, so the grammar above will grow such as,

Grammar for the Koch curve in Clojure is represented like so,

(def koch-curve
     {:variables #{:F}
      :constants #{:+ :-}
      :start [:F]
      :rules {:F [:F :+ :F :- :F :- :F :+ :F]}
      :actions {:F forward :+ left :- right}
      :angle 90
      :step 10})

There are some additions to the grammar, such as what actions will be mapped to the variables while drawing, angles for the turns and a step value to determine how much to move forward or backward.

(defn draw-system [turtle grammer sentence]
  (doseq [letter sentence]
    (let [action (letter (:actions grammer))] 
       (or (= action forward) (= action back)) 
       (action turtle (:step grammer))
       (or (= action left) (= action right)) 
       (action turtle (:angle grammer))))))

(defn setup-turtle [turtle x y]
  (pen-up turtle)
  (right turtle 90)
  (go turtle x y)
  (pen-down turtle))

After creating a sentence for the fractal all we need to do is, iterate over the letters and command turtle to do the action that is mapped to the letter.

(def dragon-curve
     {:variables #{:X :Y}
      :constants #{:F :+ :-}
      :start [:F :X]
      :rules {:X [:X :+ :Y :F]
	      :Y [:F :X :- :Y]}
      :actions {:F forward :+ left :- right}
      :angle 90
      :step 10})

(doto (turtle 450 600)
  (setup-turtle -50 -200)
  (draw-system dragon-curve (l-system dragon-curve 10))

Lindenmayer Dragon Curve

(def pentigree
     {:variables #{:F}
      :constants #{:+ :-}
      :start [:F :- :F :- :F :- :F :- :F]
      :rules {:F [:F :- :F :+ :+ :F :+ :F :- :F :- :F]}
      :actions {:F forward :+ left :- right}
      :angle 72
      :step 10})

(doto (turtle 400 400)
  (setup-turtle -90 -100)
  (draw-system pentigree (l-system pentigree 3))

Lindenmayer System Pentigree

(def sierpinski-triangle
     {:variables #{:A :B}
      :constants #{:+ :-}
      :start [:A]
      :rules {:A [:B :- :A :- :B]
	      :B [:A :+ :B :+ :A]}
      :actions {:A forward :B forward :+ left :- right}
      :angle 60
      :step 10})

(doto (turtle 700 600)
  (setup-turtle -300 -200)
  (draw-system sierpinski-triangle (l-system sierpinski-triangle 6))

Lindenmayer System Sierpinski Triangle

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