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Simple Robocup/Simspark Agent in Clojure

Robocup, is an international robotics competition. It is made up of multiple competitions one of which is the simulation league where instead of actual robots you control virtual ones by interacting with the soccer server. Following code demonstrates, how to communicate with the soccer server and how to move the joints of the robot to make it do stuff. For instructions on how to install SimSpark you can checkout their wiki pages. (For Mac OS X they provide pre-compiled binaries check out their sourceforge download section.)

(ns robocup.core
  (:import ( Socket)
	   (java.nio ByteBuffer)))

(def joints 
  {:shoulder {:type :hinge 
	      :perceptor {:left :laj1 :right :raj1} 
	      :efector   {:left :lae1 :right :rae1}}
   :upper-arm {:type :hinge 
	       :perceptor {:left :laj2 :right :raj2} 
	       :efector   {:left :lae2 :right :rae2}}})

(defn connect [ip port]
  (let [socket (Socket. ip port)
	out (.getOutputStream socket)
	in (.getInputStream socket)]
    {:socket socket :in in :out out :out-agent (agent "")}))

(defn write-msg [conn msg]
  (let [{out :out agent :out-agent} conn
	write (fn [_]
		  (doto out
		    (.write (-> (ByteBuffer/allocate 4) 
				(.putInt (count msg)) .array))
		    (.write (.getBytes msg))
		  (catch Exception e "")))]
    (send agent write)))

Communication with the server is done through TCP/IP by passing S-Expressions back and forth. Messages to the server are made up of one or more S-Expressions prefixed with message length which is a 32 bit unsigned integer in network order, using ByteBuffer we can emulate htonl call and get our 32 bit unsigned integer, all writes are done through an agent so that we can safely write from multiple threads and let the agent handle serialization of the writes.

(defn msg-length [conn]
  (let [buf (ByteBuffer/allocate 4)] 
    (doseq [i (range 4)] (.put buf (byte (.read (:in conn)))))
    (.getInt buf 0)))

(defn read-msg [conn]
  (let [length (msg-length conn)
	buffer (byte-array length)]
    (.read (:in conn) buffer 0 length)
    (read-string (str "(" (apply str (map char buffer)) ")"))))

(defn close [conn]
  (.close (:in conn))
  (.close (:out conn))
  (.close (:socket conn)))

(defmacro forever [& body] 
  `(try (while true  ~@body) (catch Exception e#)))

(defn in-thread [f]
  (doto (Thread. f)

Messages from the server follows the same spec, we decode the message, by parsing first 4 bytes which gives us the length of the message, than reading that many bytes from the stream, received message will contain multiple S-Expressions wrapping this returned message inside a pair of parentheses "(.. msg received..)" calling read-string with it gives us a list of lists which we can easily iterate and extract information from.

For our simple purposes we are only interested in messages that will tell us the position of our joints. These are the messages that begin with either the symbol HJ (Hinge Joint) or UJ (Universal Joint).

(defn hinge-joints [msg]
  (reduce (fn[h v] 
	    (let [[_ [_ n] [_ ax]] v] (assoc h (keyword n) ax)))
	  {} (filter #(= (first %) 'HJ) msg)))

(defn universal-joints [msg]
  (reduce (fn[h v] 
	    (let [[_ [_ n] [_ ax1] [_ ax2]] v]
	      (assoc h (keyword n) [ax1 ax2])))
	  {} (filter #(= (first %) 'UJ) msg)))
robocup.core=> (def sample-msg '((HJ (n laj3) (ax -1.02)) 
                                 (UJ (n laj1 2) (ax1 -1.32) (ax2 2.00))))
robocup.core=> (hinge-joints sample-msg)
{:laj3 -1.02}
robocup.core=> (universal-joints sample-msg)
{:laj1 [-1.32 2.0]}

First we filter the message based on the type of joint we are interested in then destructure the list into its name and angle components. In the resulting map keys are the names of the perceptors and values are their angles. (For a complete listing of available joints see SimSpark User Manual pg. 38)

(defn player [ip port]
  (let [conn (connect ip port)
	hjoints (ref {})
	ujoints (ref {})]
    (write-msg conn "(scene rsg/agent/nao/nao.rsg)")
       (let [msg (read-msg conn)]
	  (alter hjoints merge (hinge-joints msg))
	  (alter ujoints merge (universal-joints msg))))))
    {:conn conn :hinge-joints hjoints :universal-joints ujoints}))

In order to put a player on to the field, we connect to the soccer server but we will be invisible until we send the scene command which will tell the server how to render our robot. nao.rsg is the simulated version of the Nao Robot. After we send the scene command we fire up a thread and forever keep reading and parsing messages from the server.

(defn direction [player perceptor angle]
  (let [target-angle (+ 200 angle)
	current-angle (+ 200 (perceptor @(:hinge-joints player)))]
    (if (> target-angle current-angle) 1 -1)))

Now that we know the angular position of the hinges, we need to figure out which direction we need to turn the hinge in order to reach our target angle.

robocup.core=> (direction {:hinge-joints (ref {:raj1 1})} :raj1 40)
robocup.core=> (direction {:hinge-joints (ref {:raj1 -1})} :raj1 -40)

As an example if the hinge is at 1 degree angle and we want to move it to 40 degrees we need to turn it in the positive direction but if the hinge is at -1 degrees and we want to move it to -40 degrees we need to turn it in the negative direction.

(defn in-range? [val target error]
  (some true? (map #(= (int val) %) 
		   (range (- target error) (+ target error)))))

After instructing a hinge to turn it will keep turning until we tell it stop, we determine when to stop by repeatedly reading the hinges angle and checking if it is falls in between target +/- error range.

(defn move-joint [player start-cmd stop-cmd angle perceptor]
   (write-msg (:conn player) start-cmd)
   (while (not (in-range? (perceptor @(:hinge-joints player)) angle 5)))
   (write-msg (:conn player) stop-cmd)
   (println perceptor (perceptor @(:hinge-joints player)))))

In order to move a joint we issue the start command then wait until the hinge reaches our target angle then we issue the stop command.

(defn command [player side j angle]
  (let [joint (j joints)
	perceptor (side (:perceptor joint))
	effector (side (:efector joint))
	dir (direction player perceptor angle)
	start-cmd (str (list (symbol (name effector)) dir))
	stop-cmd (str (list (symbol (name effector)) 0))]
    (move-joint player start-cmd stop-cmd angle perceptor)))

You may have noticed that all hinges have weird perceptor and effector names in order to make sending commands more user friendly joints map, maps body parts to their effectors and perceptors, using the joints map we get the perceptor and effector we are interested in then calculate the direction of travel and build the start and stop commands, commands are S-Expressions having the format (effectorname changeinangle).

That pretty much covers everything in order to create simple kinematics, waving action in the above video is defined like the following,

(def nao-bot (player "" 3100))

  (command nao-bot :right :shoulder -90)
  @(command nao-bot :left :shoulder 60)
  (doseq [i (range 3)]
    @(command nao-bot :left :upper-arm 50)
    @(command nao-bot :left :upper-arm 0))
  (command nao-bot :left :shoulder -90))

(close (:conn nao-bot))
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