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int add(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e)

某一天,这个公共模块将 add 函数增加了一个参数,即原型变成了下面这样:

int add(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f)


如果是常规调用,即直接用 add(...) 来调用的话,在公共模块增加参数后,那么编译就会提示出错的。但是我们是采用的动态调用,如下:

typedef int (*FunctionPtr)(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e);

HMODULE h = ::LoadLibraryEx(L"CommonModule.dll", ...);
FunctionPtr pf = reinterpret_cast<FunctionPtr>(::GetProcAddress(h, "add"));
int ret = pf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

因此,对这种调用方式来说,在编译阶段,调用者是无法知晓 CommonModule.dll 的改动的。






#include <iostream>

int add(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {
    return a + b + c + d + e;

int main() {
    int r = add(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

上面例子中 main() 函数调用 std::cin.get() 是为了让程序阻塞在那里,方便我们能够来得及在程序退出之前将WinDbg给Attach到进程上去。下面的就是在WinDbg里面看到的 main() 函数和 add() 函数的汇编代码(能看到如下代码的前提是,在Visual Studio编译之前,把相关的优化选项以及安全检查选项给关掉,不然Visual Studio会插入一些安全检查的代码,同时会直接把 add() 函数给优化掉)(忘了说明,编译采用的是VS2012):

0:000> uf Project1!main
Project1!main [d:\codelabs\functest\c++\project1\source.cpp @ 7]:
    7 00000001`3ff21730 4883ec48         sub     rsp,48h
    8 00000001`3ff21734 c744242005000000 mov     dword ptr [rsp+20h],5
    8 00000001`3ff2173c 41b904000000     mov     r9d,4
    8 00000001`3ff21742 41b803000000     mov     r8d,3
    8 00000001`3ff21748 ba02000000       mov     edx,2
    8 00000001`3ff2174d b901000000       mov     ecx,1
    8 00000001`3ff21752 e8a9ffffff       call    Project1!add (00000001`3ff21700)
    8 00000001`3ff21757 89442430         mov     dword ptr [rsp+30h],eax
    9 00000001`3ff2175b 488b0dee180000   mov     rcx,qword ptr [Project1!_imp_?cinstd (00000001`3ff23050)]
    9 00000001`3ff21762 ff15f8180000     call    qword ptr [Project1!_imp_?get?$basic_istreamDU?$char_traitsDstdstdQEAAHXZ (00000001`3ff23060)]
   10 00000001`3ff21768 33c0             xor     eax,eax
   10 00000001`3ff2176a 4883c448         add     rsp,48h
   10 00000001`3ff2176e c3               ret
0:000> uf Project1!add
Project1!add [d:\codelabs\functest\c++\project1\source.cpp @ 3]:
    3 00000001`3ff21700 44894c2420       mov     dword ptr [rsp+20h],r9d
    3 00000001`3ff21705 4489442418       mov     dword ptr [rsp+18h],r8d
    3 00000001`3ff2170a 89542410         mov     dword ptr [rsp+10h],edx
    3 00000001`3ff2170e 894c2408         mov     dword ptr [rsp+8],ecx
    4 00000001`3ff21712 8b442410         mov     eax,dword ptr [rsp+10h]
    4 00000001`3ff21716 8b4c2408         mov     ecx,dword ptr [rsp+8]
    4 00000001`3ff2171a 03c8             add     ecx,eax
    4 00000001`3ff2171c 8bc1             mov     eax,ecx
    4 00000001`3ff2171e 03442418         add     eax,dword ptr [rsp+18h]
    4 00000001`3ff21722 03442420         add     eax,dword ptr [rsp+20h]
    4 00000001`3ff21726 03442428         add     eax,dword ptr [rsp+28h]
    5 00000001`3ff2172a c3               ret


X64 CPU Registers


知道了寄存器的结构,还是不足以理解上面的汇编函数调用,此外,还需要知道Intel X64汇编函数调用的一些约定2

  • RCX, RDX, R8, R9 are used for integer and pointer arguments in that order left to right.
  • XMM0, 1, 2, and 3 are used for floating point arguments.
  • Additional arguments are pushed on the stack left to right.
  • Parameters less than 64 bits long are not zero extended; the high bits contain garbage.
  • It is the caller's responsibility to allocate 32 bytes of "shadow space" (for storing RCX, RDX, R8, and R9 if needed) before calling the function.
  • It is the caller's responsibility to clean the stack after the call.
  • Integer return values (similar to x86) are returned in RAX if 64 bits or less.
  • Floating point return values are returned in XMM0.
  • Larger return values (structs) have space allocated on the stack by the caller, and RCX then contains a pointer to the return space when the callee is called. Register usage for integer parameters is then pushed one to the right. RAX returns this address to the caller.
  • The stack is 16-byte aligned. The "call" instruction pushes an 8-byte return value, so the all non-leaf functions must adjust the stack by a value of the form 16n+8 when allocating stack space.
  • Registers RAX, RCX, RDX, R8, R9, R10, and R11 are considered volatile and must be considered destroyed on function calls.
  • RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, R12, R14, R14, and R15 must be saved in any function using them.
  • Note there is no calling convention for the floating point (and thus MMX) registers.
  • Further details (varargs, exception handling, stack unwinding) are at Microsoft's site.

上面这段话里面有几个关键点:1. 一个函数在调用时,前四个参数是从左至右依次存放于RCX、RDX、R8、R9寄存器里面;2. 剩下的参数从左至右顺序入栈;3. 调用者负责在栈上分配32字节的“shadow space”,用于存放那四个存放调用参数的寄存器的值(亦即前四个调用参数);4. 调用者负责清理栈;5. 被调用函数若是整数返回,则返回值会被存放于RAX;6. 栈是16字节对齐的,“call”指令会入栈一个8字节的返回值(注:即函数调用前原来的RIP指令寄存器的值),这样一来,栈就对不齐了,所以,所有非叶子结点调用的函数,都必须调整栈分配方式为16n+8,来使栈对齐。


  1. 主调函数(main)将栈指针RSP下移0x48,即分配栈空间;
  2. 将最后一个调用参数5入栈,存放于[RSP + 0x20]处,这样一来,栈上面空出的 0x48 - 0x20 = 0x28 = 40 = 32 + 8 的空间就用于存放本地变量,其中8字节应该是用来对齐栈的;
  3. 将前四个参数分别放入约定中的那四个寄存器;
  4. 调用 add 函数(在这个指令中,栈指针RSP又下移了8个字节,这8个字节用来存放RIP指针的值);
  5. 进入 add 函数,把在四个寄存器中的参数又放回栈上(栈上的用于存放这四个寄存器空间就是“shadow space”,如果需要,由被调用者负责将这四个寄存器的值放回栈3),然后执行加操作,最后的结果存放于RAX中;
  6. 返回 main 函数后,取出RAX的值,再放回本地变量的栈空间中;
  7. ...

上面的指令对栈操作比较多,我画了一个调用栈的分配情况图(用Window Paint画的,花的时间不比写这篇博客的时间短,中间还画错了一次。。 =_=#!):

X64 calling stack


X64 stack allocation




Name Arguments Stack unwinding
Win32 (stdcall) push stack, right to left callee
Native C++ (thiscall) push stack, right to left, "this" pointer in ECX callee
COM (stdcall for C++) push stack, right to left, then "this" callee
fastcall arg1 in ECX, arg2 in EDX, remaining pushed to stack, right to left callee
cdecl push stack, right to left caller


另外要补充的一点是,在一般情况下,X64平台的RBP栈基指针被废弃掉,只作为普通寄存器来用,所有的栈操作都通过RSP指针来完成,这必然会要求RSP的值在一个函数中不能改动,所以,像 pushpop 这类会改变RSP值的指令是不能随便使用的。






这句说明(The callee has the responsibility of dumping the register parameters into their shadow space if needed.)来自MSDN:

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